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安省护士 注册程序将于2013年元旦变更

After several years in the making, the College of Nurses of Ontario’sproposed amendments to its Registration Regulation are about to become areality.
On Jan. 1, 2013, sweeping changes to the rules governing who can become anurse in Ontario, as well as to the conditions that all existing members mustmeet if they wish to remain members in good standing, will affect every Collegemember and applicant wishing to practise nursing in the province.
Earlier this month, Cabinet approved the College’s revised regulation; thefinal step before official proclamation and implementation of the new rules.
“This initiative is an excellent example of the type of collaboration betweenthe College and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care that ensures theprovince is at the forefront of innovations in nursing regulation,” said AnneCoghlan, RN, Executive Director and CEO of the College.
“Once implemented, these amendments will strengthen the College’s ability toregulate nursing in the public interest, and I extend my sincere congratulationsto all College staff and stakeholders who worked together on this importantendeavour.”
Among the more substantial changes introduced by the revised regulationsare:

  • a new jurisprudence exam for all applicants;
  • revised evidence of practice requirements for members and applicants;
  • a new Non-Practising Class, replacing the College’s current Retired Class;
  • new suspension guidelines granting the College the authority to suspendmembers who do not provide information required by law; and
  • expanded self-reporting requirements to include non-health professions.

Council approved the amendments in late 2010 after reviewing member andstakeholder feedback. Now that Cabinet has approved the amendments, the Collegeis working to inform members, applicants, employers and nursing educators of theimpending changes and explain how they will be affected by them.
For more information and updates as they become available, visit theCollege’s Registration Regulation information centre at www.cno.org/RR.

曼省华人网 http://mbchinese.ca:曼省华人网 » 安省护士 注册程序将于2013年元旦变更

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