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New language proficiency requirements coming Jan. 1

The College’s revised Registration Regulation is introducing changes to thelanguage proficiency requirement for registration.
Starting Jan. 1, 2013, applicants will be required toprovide evidence they are proficient in English or French within the two yearsbefore the date on which they have met all other registration requirements. Thisincludes demonstrating they can communicate and comprehend effectively, bothorally and in writing, in either of those languages.
After that date, applicants must demonstrate their proficiency by:

  • Achieving the required benchmark scores on a newlist of language proficiency tests that will be accepted by the Collegeor
  • Meeting certain conditions to be set by the Registration Committee.Information about these other conditions will be made available on the College’swebsite by Nov. 1, 2012.

Visit our section on the revised RegistrationRegulation to learn more about the language proficiency tests that will beaccepted by the College after Jan. 1.

曼省华人网 http://mbchinese.ca:曼省华人网 » 安省护士亦提高语言成绩

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